Short-finned pilot whale

Globicephala macrorhynchus
3.5 - 7m
Dorsal fin
At sea, this animal is virtually impossible to tell apart from the long-finned pilot whale unless the pectoral fins are seen. When compared to long-finned pilot whales, short-finned pilot whales have fewer teeth, a different skull shape (not visible in the field) and a less pronounced bend in their pectoral fins. Short-finned pilot whales are glossy black in colour with a grey saddle patch behind their dorsal fin. Males have a larger, broader-based dorsal fin than females.
Key features:
- Bulbous melon, blunt beak, pale blaze from eye to saddle patch
- Broad, round dorsal fin forward to centre
- Dorsal fin looks like a smurf's hat or a witch's nose
- Long, slender pectoral fins, 1/6 of the body length
- Prominent arched tailstock when surfacing
As short-finned pilot whales feed at night, they are typically seen moving slowly at the surface during the day, allowing boats to approach them. They are also sometimes seen lob-tailing, spy-hopping and breaching. They are very social animals and are almost never seen alone. Typically shot-finned pilot whales are seen in family groups of 2 - 40 individuals but larger groups are sighted at feeding grounds.
The short-finned pilot whale is captured for aquaria around the world. It is also targeted in Japanese drive fisheries and hunts. Other threats include; entanglement in fishing nets and noise pollution.
Unlike long-finned pilot whales, short-finned pilot whales like deep warm temperate to tropical waters worldwide. Some do overlap with the long-finned pilot whale in southern parts of the North Atlantic. The species tend to stay offshore unless their prey of squid re spawning in which case they may move inshore.

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