Become a member

Your contribution could make a critical difference
Supporting ORCA as a member is a way everyone can do their bit to protect the ocean and help us to continue the vital work that we have built over nearly thirty years of protecting the marine environment.
Not only is becoming an ORCA member a great chance to learn more about whales and dolphins and keep up to date with our work, but it is also a unique opportunity to make a meaningful contribution towards the protection of the ocean.
I have been a member of ORCA for a few years now, and it has transformed my life in so many ways and given me a real sense of direction and purpose. My volunteer work as an OceanWatcher and Marine Mammal Surveyor has allowed me great opportunities to travel and to meet some fantastic people of all ages and from all walks of life. During my time with ORCA, I have also seen some fascinating wildlife, from polar bears to blue whales! Why not join up as a member and take an active part in helping to conserve whales, dolphins & porpoises and their habitats
Elfyn Pugh ORCA Member
Any questions? Please call our ORCA team on 02392 832565
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