Survey allocation update


Dear All,

I hope you are having a lovely summer. It is wonderful to see so many of you getting out to sea or collecting data with the ORCA OceanWatchers app from land - our data portal is filling up with your surveys!

With the survey season in full swing, please see below for an update on the survey team allocations.

We have now confirmed the ferry survey teams throughout August and September across all routes and are now working on the October and November teams. Successful applicants will be emailed over the upcoming weeks and we will keep everyone updated on the progress via the Surveyor Network News. Unfortunately, we are unable to individually email all unsuccessful applicants each month. If you have been allocated a survey and need further information about the route and sailing times, these can be found on the Documents page of the Surveyor Network.

As a reminder, we have a handful of places left on our Marine Mammal Surveyor Sea Safari, departing Sunday 25th September across the Bay of Biscay! So if you would like to catch up with friends old and new, chat to the ORCA staff on board, and practice your surveying and ID skills in one of the richest habitats for whales and dolphins, visit the ORCA Shop to book on. Please note you will need to be logged into the Surveyor Network to access this item on the shop.

With very best wishes,


Lucy Babey

Head of Science and Conservation

Deputy Director