08/01/2024 Our first infographic of 2024! Here is our weekly snapshot summary of where ORCA has been and (most importantly) what we have seen.... Read more
22/12/2023 Here is our annual snapshot summary of where ORCA has been and (most importantly) what we have seen in 2023... Read more
18/12/2023 Here is our weekly snapshot summary of where ORCA has been and (most importantly) what we have seen.... Read more
13/12/2023 A first ORCA sighting of a most peculiar whale – news from the South Atlantic Ocean Read more
11/12/2023 Here is our weekly snapshot summary of where ORCA has been and (most importantly) what we have seen.... Read more
04/12/2023 Here is our weekly snapshot summary of where ORCA has been and (most importantly) what we have seen... Read more
29/11/2023 ORCA Science Special - Have common dolphin sightings in ORCA surveys actually increased? Read more
27/11/2023 Here is our weekly snapshot summary of where ORCA has been and (most importantly) what we have seen... Read more