Survey Highlights - Ullapool-Stornoway 15/07/2024


In July our team of Marine Mammal Surveyors on board Caledonian MacBrayne’s Loch Seaforth had an incredible survey sailing from Ullapool to Stornoway, with 108 animals recorded from five different species – including humpback whales on both the outward and return journey into Ullapool!

The team had perfect conditions for spotting cetaceans, with clear skies, excellent visibility and a low sea state. Within 5 minutes of starting their survey on the bridge of the ship, the team recorded their first sighting. The team of three Marine Mammal Surveyors, Stuart, Jane and Rona, were kept busy for the rest of the trip recording common dolphins, harbour porpoise, minke whales and Risso’s dolphins.

“The stars of the show however, were undoubtedly the two humpback whales we picked up on both the outward and return journeys” recalls ORCA Team Leader, Stuart. The team had been aware of multiple reports on social media of the animals being in the Ullapool area, and had hoped that they would still be there for their survey. “The whales were pectoral slapping, tail lobbing and at one-point approaching to within 100m of the ferry, to the delight of passengers and crew alike!” he says.

Marine Mammal Surveyor, Jane, recalls the excitement as the humpbacks were sighted for a second time by the team on the return journey from Stornoway back to Ullapool, “One of them swam towards us, coming close enough to allow us to see right up its large blowholes!". By this point the crew were gathering to join the ORCA survey team on the bridge for a better view. "It is difficult to get a real appreciation of the size of these animals from just seeing their backs, but when we moved on, the whale lifted its tail up and slapped it down repeatedly, giving me a great sense of just how huge it was. This was without doubt the best experience I have had as a Marine Mammal Surveyor over the past 6 years”, said Jane.

What an incredible survey for this very lucky team of Marine Mammal Surveyors!