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Whales are under threat; help us protect them.

Whales and dolphins face a wider array of threats than at any other point in history, but despite this, we still know very little about them. International conventions protect very few species, so populations are being severely impacted by increasing human activity. It is critical that we learn more about these animals and gather more information to find ways to protect them against the multiple threats they face so that we can safeguard whales and dolphins for future generations.

Whale deaths caused by ship strikes are a growing problem worldwide. You can help us understand just how big the issue is and help us find solutions to protect whales across the world's oceans.

We are launching a Big Give Campaign and asking you to donate to ORCA so we can continue our vital work. For one week, starting April 20th, any donation made through the Big Give will be doubled, so every small donation can really make a difference, as the #GreenMatchFund will match all donations up to a specific amount.

Anything you can give is greatly appreciated, and every small donation can really make a difference as the #GreenMatchFund will match all donations up to £5000.

As global shipping grows, the number, size and speed of ships increase, and this places whales at greater risk. When a ship collides with a large whale, the consequences are usually fatal, but sometimes it results in a serious and life-changing injury. Despite the increasing evidence for ship strike, we don’t know just how many whales die as a result. Understanding the scale of this problem and finding ways to solve it is vital to safeguard the future of large whales.

By donating to ORCA, you can help us to train and educate more crews and seafarers in whale identification, high-risk areas for ship strike and the best measures that can be taken to avoid collisions. This will help reduce the risk of whales being hit and protect them from the impact. By collecting data and identifying areas of highest risk, we can work with ship operations teams to identify whether re-routing, rescheduling or taking other measures is the most effective action to reduce the risk of whales being hit.

From 12 pm on Thursday 20th April, we are launching a Green Match campaign so every small donation can make a big difference. The campaign will last a week, and more information will be released on our website, social media channels, and emails in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out!

Big Give is a registered charity (1136547) that runs match-funded campaigns for charities and special causes at key moments across the year. By connecting charities to match funders (like philanthropists, foundations or corporates) and the public, Big Give helps them double their donations. And, in doing so, makes an extraordinary difference to the world’s biggest challenges. It has raised more than £236m for charities to date.

It’s a simple idea - when the public donates to a charity through a Big Give campaign, it asks funders (philanthropists, foundations, government departments or corporates) to match that donation. So £50 from a member of the public becomes £100 for a good cause.

Big Give has supported more than 10,000 charities and has worked with some of the biggest names in UK philanthropy and charitable grant-making, which provide match funding, including DCMS, People’s Postcode Lottery, Candis Club Magazine, EQ Foundation, Garfield Weston Foundation, The Reed Foundation, The Waterloo Foundation, The Hospital Saturday Fund, The Childhood Trust and others including high-net-worth individuals such as Julia and Hans Rausing.