ORCA supporter finishes journey of a lifetime


This week saw the end of the incredible Mighty Whale Walk completed by our very own Jake Evans, one of our fantastic Ocean Conservationists.

Jake set off six weeks ago to complete a mindblowing challenge - to walk the entire length of the Pyrenees mountain, covering over 750km in the process!

Along the way Jake had amazing adventures, but perhaps the most incredible part of his journey is that he chose to fundraise the entire time to raise money to support ORCA.

Jake is taking a very well-deserved rest, but he's promised to write a blog very soon to tell us all about his journey. In the meantime, he is still raising money to support ORCA so if you want to you can still donate to his campaign here.

A huge, huge thank you to Jake for this once-in-a-lifetime journey and all of the fund he's raised and we can't wait to hear more about his trek!