2023 Saga cruise applications closed


Dear All,

Applications for the 2023 Saga Cruises are now closed, many thanks to everyone that applied.

We will start putting the teams together over the coming weeks, and successful applicants will be emailed individually. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of applications, we are unable to individually email all unsuccessful applicants but will keep everyone updated on the progress of surveys via the Surveyor Network News page. Please note that we are only a small team, which means it takes us a bit of time to work through the applications. Thank you for your patience.

All surveyors must have submitted an ORCA Marine Mammal Surveyor Form to [email protected] for applications to be considered. Please note this form only needs to be submitted once, and we do not require one each year. However, please ensure you resubmit the form when any details change.

With regard to the ferry surveys, we are continuing to plan for the 2023 season, and applications will be open in the New Year. As always, we will continue to keep you updated on the progress of this.

ORCA would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and dedication, without which we would not be able to conduct our vital conservation, education and policy work.

With very best wishes,


Lucy Babey | Head of Science and Conservation | Deputy Director | ORCA