Sally Hamilton
Sally leads on the strategic direction of the charity ensuring that marine conservation is at the heart of all that we do.

Ellie Adams
Conservation Monitoring Officer
Ellie coordinates and facilitates ORCA's volunteer monitoring programmes. This involves overseeing the logistics of the incredible Marine Mammal Surveyor network and maintaining the highest standards of cetacean citizen science on board ferries and cruise ships.

Lucy Babey
Director of Programmes
Lucy is responsible for keeping ORCA at the cutting edge of citizen science research, managing the network of amazing ORCA Marine Mammal Surveyors and working with Government, researchers and industry to help shape conservation policy.

Anna Bunney
Head of Education
Anna is responsible for developing and delivering all of ORCA's training courses and for coordinating ORCA's education and outreach activities. Anna is also the lead for one of ORCA's conservation work areas: 'Saving large whales from ship strike'.

Holly Carter
Finance Officer
Holly oversees ORCA’s financial transactions and monitors all income and expenditures.

Steve Jones
Director of Fundraising and Operations
Steve is the Director of Fundraising & Operations and oversees all of ORCA's income generation and operations. Steve also manages ORCA's partnerships, working with industry and other stakeholders to help protect whales and dolphins around the world.

Ellie Keppie
Data Analyst
Ellie manages all the data past and present at ORCA to ensure its quality and carries out some of our research with a particular interest in understanding species-environment relationships through different modelling techniques.

Kate Weston
Ocean Conservationist Cordinator
Kate is the Ocean Conservationist Coordinator at ORCA, responsible for the day-to-day running of our incredible Ocean Conservationist Programme. This involves everything from planning and logistics to giving support to Ocean Conservationists while they are at sea. Kate also works with our partners to deliver conservation initiatives that are run on board by our Ocean Conservationists, such as our responsible whale-watching monitoring work.

Marine Mammal Surveyors
ORCA's offshore monitoring programme onboard the UK ferry network is entirely reliant on our incredible network of 800-plus trained Marine Mammal Surveyors who volunteer their free time in the name of science and conservation.

Ocean Conservationists
ORCA’s 70-plus in-house Ocean Conservationists are talented, inspiring individuals who work on ferries and cruise ships, delivering exciting wildlife experiences and learning opportunities for guests. Travelling around the world, they deliver innovative education programmes teaching people from all backgrounds about the marine environment whilst at the same time collecting important scientific data about some of the richest habitats in the ocean.