UK Government needs to find its voice over stronger protection for marine wildlife

Conservation news


UK whale and dolphin charity ORCA has welcomed a new report by the UK Government's environment, food and rural affairs committee (EFRA), saying its findings must result in meaningful action for marine wildlife and not just words.

Lucy Babey of ORCA said; "We welcome EFRA's report and recommendations and see it as an opportunity to create safeguards for our whale and dolphin populations that we have been calling for repeatedly over many years.

Countries such as the USA have had primary legislation in place for over half a century to protect their marine wildlife, and it's time our ambition is met with stronger action. ORCA survey data is a demonstration of just how critical UK waters are as a habitat for cetaceans, as well as the diversity of species that can be found here. Recognition of this has to be met with action to ensure our precious marine life is not out of sight and out of mind."

ORCA was asked to give evidence to the EFRA committee as part of an expert panel, and credited the committee with a comprehensive and insightful set of recommendations in its report. A response by the UK Government to the report is expected soon after the House of Commons returns from its summer break in September.