Please help us promote our 2023 OceanWatchers Courses!


Dear Marine Mammal Surveyors,

We are asking you all for a small favour...We would like to spread the word about our OceanWatchers training courses that we will be delivering this Spring, but we need your help! As you know, the OceanWatchers programme centres around our amazing app, and gives everyone the chance to collect vital data on whales, dolphins and porpoises wherever they can see the sea! The OceanWatchers course is undertaken over 2 weeks, where course learners will have access to course materials on our e-learning platform, and then they have a half-day live Zoom session. You can read more about the OceanWatchers programme on our website here.

Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could share the poster below amongst your networks; whether that's on a local noticeboard, on a Facebook group, you're part of, with your university alumni, at your local WI group, on your own social media channels etc. etc.Anything you can do to help spread the word about ORCA's work would be wonderful!

Thank you all very much.

Best wishes,


Anna Bunney | Head of Education | ORCA |

ORCA OceanWatchers Courses 2023