Give a Gift to ORCA



This Christmas, we’re asking you to help us create safe spaces for whales and dolphins around the world.

We're helping to create safe spaces for whales and dolphins around the world. Ocean Conservationists work on cruise ships and ferries to help identify critical habitats so ORCA can drive policymakers to put protections in place, promoting the health of our seas. By identifying areas where whales and dolphins are vulnerable, we can protect these places by changing the way we use them.

We’re asking you to Give a Gift to ORCA this Christmas and help us provide Ocean Conservationists with equipment that will keep them safe in the field and will help them monitor and collect vital data about whales and dolphins. With properly equipped teams at sea, we can monitor data-deficient areas and identify new hotspots for whales and dolphins in more remote and hard-to-reach parts of the ocean. This means we can monitor existing protected areas and help policymakers identify new areas that need to be protected to safeguard whales and dolphins.

Each year we spend over £6500 making sure our Ocean Conservationists have the equipment they need, but we would like to buy new, better quality equipment and tools so they can inspire guests at sea whilst collecting vital data. If you Give a Gift to ORCA this Christmas, you can help us provide them with warm clothing so they can spend their time out on deck doing what they love, looking out for whales and dolphins and educating the public. We will also be able to buy them the equipment they need, such as binoculars and cameras, so they can efficiently collect data about the animals they see and contribute to our conservation work.

Today we are launching our appeal and asking you to Give a Gift to ORCA. Anything you can give is greatly appreciated, and every small donation can really make a big difference. You can make a donation and support our appeal here.

The appeal will be running throughout the Christmas period. We will be releasing more information and giving you regular updates about the appeal throughout, so keep an eye on our website and social media channels.

Please support our work and help give our people the tools they need to protect whales, dolphins and porpoises. Every small donation can really make a big difference.

You can find out more about the appeal here.

This Christmas, we’re asking you to help us create safe spaces for whales and dolphins around the world.

We're helping to create safe spaces for whales and dolphins around the world. Ocean Conservationists work on cruise ships and ferries to help identify critical habitats so ORCA can drive policymakers to put protections in place, promoting the health of our seas. By identifying areas where whales and dolphins are vulnerable, we can protect these places by changing the way we use them.

We’re asking you to Give a Gift to ORCA this Christmas and help us provide Ocean Conservationists with equipment that will keep them safe in the field and will help them monitor and collect vital data about whales and dolphins. With properly equipped teams at sea, we can monitor data-deficient areas and identify new hotspots for whales and dolphins in more remote and hard-to-reach parts of the ocean. This means we can monitor existing protected areas and help policymakers identify new areas that need to be protected to safeguard whales and dolphins.

Each year we spend over £6500 making sure our Ocean Conservationists have the equipment they need, but we would like to buy new, better quality equipment and tools so they can inspire guests at sea whilst collecting vital data. If you Give a Gift to ORCA this Christmas, you can help us provide them with warm clothing so they can spend their time out on deck doing what they love, looking out for whales and dolphins and educating the public. We will also be able to buy them the equipment they need, such as binoculars and cameras, so they can efficiently collect data about the animals they see and contribute to our conservation work.

Today we are launching our appeal and asking you to Give a Gift to ORCA. Anything you can give is greatly appreciated, and every small donation can really make a big difference. You can make a donation and support our appeal here.

The appeal will be running throughout the Christmas period. We will be releasing more information and giving you regular updates about the appeal throughout, so keep an eye on our website and social media channels.

Please support our work and help give our people the tools they need to protect whales, dolphins and porpoises. Every small donation can really make a big difference.

You can find out more about the appeal here.