2024 Saga cruise applications closed


Dear All,

Applications for the 2024 Saga Cruises are now closed, many thanks to everyone that has applied.

We will start putting the teams together over the coming weeks, and successful applicants will be emailed individually. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of applications, we are unable to individually email all unsuccessful applicants but will keep everyone updated on the progress of surveys via the Surveyor Network News page. Please note that we are only a small team, which means it takes us a bit of time to work through the applications. Thank you for your patience.

As part of the application process you must also submit an ORCA Marine Mammal Surveyor Google Form each year. This can be found on the Surveyor Network or here. If this form has not been submitted this year and is not up-to-date we will be unable to place you on any cruises.

With regard to the ferry surveys, the 2023 season has now finished, and it came to a rather bumpy end thanks to the series of storms we have been experiencing here in the UK. We are currently analysing all the data and will provide an end of season report next month.

We are continuing to plan for the 2024 ferry season with even more survey dates and routes available. Applications will be open in the New Year and as always, we will continue to keep you updated on the progress of this via the Surveyor Network News pages.

With very best wishes,


Lucy Babey | Director of Programmes | Deputy Director | ORCA