2022 survey update


Dear all,

I hope you have had a good start to 2022. We have had a great start to the year here at ORCA, as we have a full complement of Saga cruises in 2022 and I am very pleased to announce that our ferry surveys will be recommencing this year!

Ferry Surveys

We have surveys confirmed on several routes for 2022 and these will be open for application by the end of February. We will inform everyone via email, social media and the Surveyor Network News when applications are open, so please keep your eyes peeled!

We are continuing to liaise with some of our ferry partners regarding the best and safest way to recommence our vital surveying work onboard their vessels, therefore further surveying opportunities will become available throughout the year.

Saga Cruises

The Saga cruise teams are being compiled at present and if you are offered a place you will receive an email from us with details of the cruise. We have currently finalised the Saga teams for up until April 2022 and will be working on allocating the rest of the cruises in the coming weeks. We will continue to keep you all updated on the progress of the Saga team allocation via the Surveyor Network News.

With very best wishes,

Lucy Babey

Head of Science and Conservation

Deputy Director